Late last year, Al Hodgson, Reece Leung and a select few members of the O.W.L crew set their sights on the expat haven of Gibraltar. Located on Spain's southern coast, the British Overseas Territory is rife with crust and not exactly known for its wealth of spots (though Carhartt did briefly visit there in 2016), making it an ideal wintertime destination for some VX/Hi-8 O.W.L exploration.
Having been previously informed there are no spots to be found in Gibraltar, Al, Reece, Dougie George, Dan Fisher-Eustance, Harrison Woolgar, Michael Tarry and special guest Magnus Bordewick evidently spent a solid week proving all of the naysayers wrong. The resulting edit from the trip BASTION is now online and waiting to be watched below, with the accompanying article also gracing the pages of Vague issue 42, which you should go and grab for free from your local SOS as soon as you can!
As always, beautifully filmed and edited by Al Hodgson, with additional Hi-8 filming by Harrison Woolgar.