To compliment his excellent 2024 crust-riddled southeastern independent production Debris, Tom Pickard has teamed with our mates over at Grey Skate Mag to release five special Debris-Sides edits, taking you behind the scenes on some of the video's standout sessions.
The edits are split up by area, and feature raw footage, b-roll and alternative clips from pretty much the whole crew. Scroll below to get involved!
Episode 1: West Sussex with Chris Collins, Al Hodgson, Mike Nicolls, Sonny Wright, Sid Prestedge & Matt Ransom.
Episode 2: East Sussex with Cal Dawson, Chris Collins, Mike Nicolls, Sonny Wright, Sam Allison & Al Hodgson.
Episode 3: Kent with Sam Allison, Chris Collins, Jordan Marowitch, Al Hodgson & Mike Nicolls.
Episode 4: Brighton and Hove with Chris Collins, Sam Allison, Sonny Wright, Matt Ransom & Al Hodgson.
Bonus Episode with Sam Allison, Al Hodgson, Jordan Marowitch, Chris Collins, Matt Ransom, Mike Nicolls, Sonny Wright & Luke Dench.