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Push: Ahmad Abdullahi

Writer: The Skateboarder's CompanionThe Skateboarder's Companion

Photography by Filadelfo Luke Kroon

Interview by Remy Silvester

Hello, can you introduce yourself for us?

Hey, I’m Ahmad, I’m from Harrow, I’m 24 and I’m a skater.

Have you always lived in Harrow?

No, I was actually born and raised in Sweden, but then my family moved to Harrow. I’ve lived in London since I was 12, so half my life now.

What was it like moving from Sweden to London? I'm sure that was quite a big


Yeah, massive change; small town to a big city. I felt kind of alone and had to work out how to live here, as big city talk is way different to small town talk, but it was really cool seeing so many cultures, differences and stuff.

When and how did you get into skating?

I got into skating in 2018 through my friend Jay (Brogan). He started off as my Muay Thai coach when I was 16, and then got me on the board a few years later. I stopped training ‘cause the passion just shifted over to the board, and I was getting injured from both ends (laughs).

What are the parks like around your ends?

Oh yeah, we’ve got Harrow skatepark, crusty spot. We’ve also got Oxhey, but the main one I go to is Watford, the crusty graffed one by the ring road; grotty Watty (laughs), best place ever. Bit of a shame it’s getting knocked down soon, pretty shiesty! I’m pretty spoiled for choice with my local parks; aside from Harrow, which is a 10 minute skate, I’ve got about 10 other parks all within a 30 to 50 minute cycle from me. But my usual favourite places to skate are around south London, like Stockwell, The Grove DIY and Queens Road. I venture east ways to Hackney Bumps and the A12 DIY as well.

And you love transition; what drew you to that side of skating?

Mainly multiple ankle rolls from flatground in the early days, ‘cause they fucking suck, and ledge edges are terrifying (laughs), but when I see a ramp, I feel like I can just slide down it when bailing. Unless it’s the Southbank quarter; it’s straight to flat on that, but it’s a good one to iron tricks out on.

And you’re about to go to Nairobi in Kenya; what are you getting up to out there?

Aww yeah, I’m going to see some family. My nan’s a bit ill so it’s a bit of a last minute trip, but my mum and little brothers are there also, and I haven't seen them in like three years! Hopefully I can sneak my board on with me as well, and get a skate in there somehow.

Newest deal on New Year's Day whilst Hackney rings in 2024 with some torrential rainfall.

Tell us about the trip to Belfast that you took last year.

Ah yes, the glorious nation of Ireland; what more is there to say (laughs)? Yeah well, I met James (Ferris) through you at Southbank when he was visiting with Thomas (McCleary), Cullen (Green) and Sam (Neil), and we ended up having a session. Dan Beattie came down too! I gave them a small tour of the city for spots, and James said if I ever wanted to come over, I’m welcome to crash at his, so I thought, fuck it, why not? Spontaneous trip to Belfast. They ended up taking me around Dublin as well; good times.

And did you have any favourite parks or spots when you were visiting Belfast?

Bridges bowl. Bridges bowl through and through. It is one of the best bowls I’ve skated. We went to Newtownabbey as well, and that was pretty sick, but it’s a bit too perfect, you know? Unweathered and lacked graffiti.

Do you have any favourite skate trips or anywhere you want to visit in the future?

One of my favourite ones was Barcelona, in early 2023; I need to get out there again. Ireland again, of course; fucking hell, I need to go there again. I’d love to go back to Sweden, reconnect with the language, childhood friends and culture. Europe... the whole world. There's so much out there I want to see.

Is there anyone you look up to in the skate community?

Conor Andrews, probably; he’s so fucking tall (laughs). He’s a hypeman necessary for the Stocky sessions, and he’s probably why I’ve gotten out of bed before 2pm this winter, since my sleeping pattern is piss poor. He’s so incredible on and off the skateboard! To be honest, anyone that gets me fired up for a skate is someone I can look up to! Big up Big Bird!

I’ve recently been hearing talk from Conor about your 'five minute resurrection’; can you explain?

Just me being a debaucherous bastard on nights out (laughs), and hair-of-the-dogging it the next day. I would turn up to Stockwell to meet Conor after being out the night before and tell him I need five minutes to get a tinny into me and then get straight back to it, back to the sesh. Liquid breakfast resurrection, pretty much (laughs), but that's only a short term solution of course, as I’d feel like shit the next day.

You’ve now had all the photos taken for this interview, do you have a favourite that Luke’s taken of you?

Oh yeah, probably the nosepick at the DIY. We were meant to go to Hackney Bumps for another photo, but that never happened because of travel schedules. Yeah, I don’t know, we got very unlucky in terms of weather, like all my photos were taken in the rain. Then The Grove photo (laughs), I absolutely stacked several times trying to get something. Luke, the cheeky human turd, convinced me to skate in the rain (laughs). I turned up to a date that evening covered all over in puddle muck.

Luke, the cheeky human turd, convinced me to skate in the rain (laughs). I turned up to a date that evening covered all over in puddle muck.

A pre-date Grove rock fakie in the pouring January rain, exquisitely decked in the traditional Ahmad fashion.

Is there a spot or trick in mind for the next photo you want to get?

I would like to switch backside disaster the big quarter at Hackney Bumps. I met up with Luke at 11am on New Year’s Day and tried a couple alongside some nosepick attempts, but I was hanging out of my ass with only an hour of sleep, so wasn’t getting anywhere near. Pretty sure I was seeing some sort of shapes and patterns while rolling up to the quarter. By the time I was somewhat getting into the groove of the sesh, it started raining, so we evacuated to the A12 DIY to shoot the nosepick. I conked out with my coat, backpack and shoes still on when I got home; I don’t ever want to put myself through that again. Me and Luke planned to return on a different day for the switch disaster, however the plans fell through as he had a skate trip to Barcelona booked, and I would be in Kenya by the time he got back.

Favourite trick, and dream trick?

Oh that’s a hard one. I’ve been chasing hardflips and inward heels this year as flatground isn’t my forté, but the current dream trick on transition would probably be a fullcab to noseblunt 180 out. Favourite trick though, I do love frontside smith grinds. I love the feeling of just going as fast as possible into the Stockwell deep end and getting as much distance as I can on one.

Favourite skater?

All hail Cardiel.

Any shout outs to finish on?

Shouts out to big baldie Papa Brogs - the one and only. Shout out Harrow Collective, all the Watford boys, the whole of south London (laughs), and Bumps! Big ups Nikmak’s couch (laughs). There are so many names that come to mind; anyone I’ve met in the last six years. Fucking hell, the friendships I’ve made and times spent together have been amazing. Yeah, I’m very grateful for anyone I’ve come across on my life journey so far.

Follow Ahmad - @madn0tmed


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