On August 24th 2024, Rollersnakes invited all and sundry (with the usual caveat safely added for potential dickhead types) to descend upon Derby Zoo for their first Cash Rules Everything Around Me carpark takeover!
The C.R.E.A.M. event concept was fairly simple, really. Three eager brands - Heathen Skateboards, DC Shoes and Lurpiv Trucks - each installed a fresh, custom built obstacle in the heavily sessioned Derby carpark, some dollar, dollar bills were put on the line, then raucous jams were held on each of the new additions. Pounds sterling in precious paper form was thrown at the skaters who performed worthy stunts, the threatening weather thankfully played ball, and skaters from all over the Midlands and beyond whipped the session into a frenzied Wu-Tang themed Snakes afternoon for the ages.
If you didn't make it to Derby to join in the festivities in person, fear not, as Mike Wright was on hand to document the C.R.E.A.M. chaos with his faithful stills camera, alongside Ed Pratt and Forde Brookfield, who have pieced together a banger edit for you to also enjoy!
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The Heathen Grinder

Rasheed Osman - Frontside smith.

Adam Kay - Backside smith.

Shaun Wilkinson - Backside tailslide.

Shaun Wilkinson - Back 180 to switch front crook.

Ryan Hurt - Frontside nosegrind.
The DC Kickers

Cam Edwards - Beanplant.

Josh Hay - Switch flip.

Eric Thomas - Nosegrind transfer.

Unknown - 360 flip.

James Gazzard - Hardflip revert.

Cam Edwards - No comply.
The Lurpiv Wave

Ben Plumb - Frontside ollie.

Ben Plumb - Frontside 5-0.

Ryan Hurt - Ollie transfer, clearing the hole.

Ryan Hurt - 5050 basher.

Shaun Wilkinson - Ollie blunt.

Unknown - Indy nosepick.
C.R.E.A.M. video recap, filmed by Ed Pratt, edited by Forde Brookfield.