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Shooting Daggers - 'Wipe Out' video

The London Queercore punk trio Shooting Daggers are premiering the video for their latest single Wipe Out today, which you can enjoy exclusively below.

Vocalist and guitarist Sal explains some of the thought process behind the song and accompanying skate-heavy video: We wanted to show how fun, powerful and epic skating is. Even if it means eating shit and 'wipe out' more than actually staying on the board. With this video we wanted to show the collective sense of freedom and highlight queer skate communities from everywhere,that’s why we gathered footage online from all over the world and put it together.

I got into skateboarding during the whole Skate Kitchen (all girl skateboarding film), Glue Skateboards and There (queer punk skate crews) era. It influenced a lot of people in the UK back in 2018. There were girl skate sessions for free at House of Vans, BaySixty6 and Hopkingdom every month in London. It felt like all the girls started skateboarding around 2018, skateboarding was huge back then (all ages and all genders too). I remember seeing Beatrice Domond skating at HOV and she blew my mind. We were all learning beginners tricks together, lifting each other up and evolving together at our own pace.

Footage by:

approachthewolf (Corey Eyres)

salomepunkpunkpunkpunkpunkpunk (Sal)

ay.lew (Alexis)

slatt.trin (Trin)

mercuriusmagphi (Mercurius)

robbish (Roberta)

juliedayd (Julie)

louliesanders (Lou)

rubyspedding (Ruby)

rhiannon46sk8 (Rhiannon)

sea.of.deprivation (Maggo)

bethcraigblack (Beth)

gracie_j.h (Gracie)

sourxbones (Gabby)

teahacic (Tea)

sh3yla_ (Shay)

buying_friend_4_goat (Casey)

emily.jane.jones (Emily)

goettin_der_dunkelheit161 (Jayna)

Sample on Wipeout taken from the film Skate Witches (Dir, Danny Plotnick, 1986) and used with kind permission from Danny Plotnick.

If you like what you see and hear, then Shooting Daggers are on tour this week and next, so grab a ticket and catch them at one of the follow dates:

29.3 Manchester @ Manchester Punk Fest  

30.3 Bristol @ The Exchange  

31.3 Southampton @ The Hobbit  

01.4 Brighton @ The Hope and Ruin  

02.4 London @ New Cross Inn

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