The first open jam at Source Park's recently 'fixed up to skate' indoor stair set went down over the weekend, with skaters from all over the south heading to Hastings in hopes of landing themselves some glory, and the £250 grand prize on offer.
Sol Hendrix eventually took home the cash for a nollie inward heelflip that went down right on the buzzer, though the likes of Chris Collins, Ashlea Hooker, Nathanial Adams, Umar Muhammad, Jordan Redworth, Liam Courtnae, Tom Mealham, Shusanta Rai, Charlie Healy, Danny Abel, Dan Judge, Dom Parry and Ash Simm all joined in the high impact session.
Enjoy Tom Pickard's edit from the day below, and keep an eye out for details of a second Stair Jam Best Trick event coming soon...